{"id":104,"date":"2011-12-01T19:15:00","date_gmt":"2011-12-01T19:15:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/futurist-series.com\/index.php\/2011\/12\/01\/how-to-make-1billion\/"},"modified":"2011-12-01T19:15:00","modified_gmt":"2011-12-01T19:15:00","slug":"how-to-make-1billion","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/futurist-series.com\/2011\/12\/how-to-make-1billion\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Make \u00a31Billion!"},"content":{"rendered":"

Never before in my life time have I heard more fuss and talk about money, the economy, banking systems and banking products. Never. Not even in 2008, with the sh*t really hit the fan with the global financial crisis. It is endless. <\/span>

As usual, the news is full of doom and gloom, but this just feels different. The public are more knowledgeable and something is building. This 99 % movement is growing rapidly. We are the 99% after all. I will come onto how I am going to make \u00a31Billion a bit later. Lets get some background out of the way first…<\/span>
















 I was in Venice last week and was got to go to the Biennale for the first time (Big cheesy grin). <\/span>




The world financial situation was represented in the art at the exhibition and there were placards and notices all over the city, in the strangest of places. It was inspiring to see artists and the people responding in this way, especially with recent events in Italy. More pics below.<\/span>














I digress… I don’t claim to be an expert in financial matters, but with all of this going on, we, the public, don’t seem to have a choice but to learn. It is interesting that some rumour about a company can cause it’s shares to come crashing down in value over night. It is interesting to me that countries are on the brink of bankruptcy and their leaders are being forced out and replaced by ex leaders of the real rulers of this world, banks. Well Goldman Sachs to be precise. Goldman Sachs rules the world. Just ask Berlusconi.<\/span>

Right up to country level, we appear to be in this nonsensical position which means that you borrow money (which does not really exist) at a certain interest rate. You pay the money back, but something happens because yes, bad things happen in life sometimes and you can not make your monthly payment for a month or two. What happens then? The loan company puts on a whole heap of charges and hikes up your interest rate to add pepper to the stew. All of a sudden, you owe more money than you borrowed in the first place and what you have been paying off for the past five years counts for absolutely nothing. How utterly depressing. The longer you are in that position, the more hopeless it becomes, and so the cycle continues. When individuals are in that position, what can you do but moan, continue in your JOB (just over broke) and keep trying to make those payments knowing at the back of your mind that unless you win the lottery, your going to be paying that shit off for life. Sucker. <\/span>

But wait, why do banks loan money (which does not physically exist) to people who have not got a hope in hell of ever paying it back? Why did the European economies lend money to each other- and I am talking billions of pounds to each other when the countries they were lending to were broke as hell and never had a hope in hell of ever paying back? Wait, the lenders themselves were already broke right? Where did they get the money to lend? <\/span>

I got this quote direct from a video which I think explains the mess pretty well:<\/span>

 “When banks make loans, they create additional [bank] deposits for those that have borrowed the money.” These ‘bank deposits’ are just the numbers in your account.<\/span>

Martin Wolf, the chief economics editor at the Financial Times, says that “The essence of the contemporary monetary system is the creation of money, out of nothing, by private banks’ often foolish lending.”<\/span><\/span><\/i>

Here is the video:<\/span><\/span>




